The Ultimate Dish Cloth

Look, I know most people just throw dishes in the dishwasher; I would too if the damn thing worked. But you still end up with a sponge or dish cloth at the sink that gets clogged with food particles and sundry nasty bits that begin to molder and smell bad, not to mention possibly giving you the shits. So, here's a simple little hack I discovered that maybe you haven't.

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The Poo Room

This is about your poo room. We've probably all tried various deodorizer approaches. If, like us, you are marginally successful, you might try this one.

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Plastic Film

We're all familiar with Saran Wrap - that's the brand - or plastic film wrap. This stuff is at once amazing and incredibly frustrating to manage. What I'm sharing here may not be a surprise to some, but it's a couple of discoveries I've made as I've flummoxed my way around our kitchen improving my culinary skills while trying not to kill my wife, Gale, and myself with salmonella, or worse; is there a worse?

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Water Picking

I don't know about y'all, but over the years I've tried a lot of water-picking devices and mostly hated them all. They were big, clumsy, and messy as hell. Then, I discovered SoWash about five years ago-ish. I love this little guy.

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